Conference Coverage

Preview: Non-Opioid Treatment Options For Primary Care


In this video, Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE, provides a preview of his on-demand session "Alternative Approaches to Pain Management” at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2023 Virtual Series. Dr Hudspeth speaks about the current CDC treatment guidelines for treating non-opioid chronic management and the possible non-opioid pain treatments primary care providers can recommend to their patients.

Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE, is a clinical practice consultant at RSHudspeth Consulting LLC and executive director at Idaho Center for Nursing (Boise, Idaho).

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Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE: Hello, this is Randy Hudspeth. I'm inviting you to participate in my presentation on pain management and opioid use and primary care with a focus on alternatives to opioid therapies. I've been a nurse practitioner for 37 years and 19 of those have focused on treating pain and safe opioid prescribing. I've been fortunate to have been engaged with the National Safe Opioid Prescribing Education Core Group, and I've been a part of developing the standards of care that we use in pain treatment.

The content in my presentation will be impactful to primary care providers because while we are seeing a decrease in the number of opioid prescriptions, at the same time, we're seeing more overdose deaths from opioids. And patients who are seeking pain treatment are migrating away from formal pain treatment centers and into primary care settings. Evidence shows us that most primary care education programs lack in-depth pain treatment education, and thus a program like this one can help primary care providers to understand non-opioid treatment possibilities, as well as the current national recommendations if opioids are to be introduced into the treatment plan. We will review the current CDC treatment guidelines for the top five common pain issues and the CDC recommendations for non-opioid chronic pain management. I think this will be very informative to all primary care providers and help you in planning your treatment for acute and chronic pain patients.