Research Summary

AHA Releases Statement on Hypertension Induced by Anticancer Therapy

Jessica Ganga

The American Heart Association (AHA) has released a statement regarding anticancer therapy and hypertension, which is a common cardiovascular-related adverse effect.

In their statement, they call for a multidisciplinary collaboration among oncologists, cardiologists, hypertension specialists, primary care physicians, and pharmacists to manage the care of patients diagnosed with hypertension while receiving cancer treatment.

“Hypertension management follows guidelines for the general population, although special attention should be given to rebound hypotension after termination of cancer therapy,” the authors wrote.

The AHA statement highlights the management of hypertension induced by anticancer therapy, the diagnosis of hypertension, anticancer therapies that may lead to hypertension, and more.

The AHA included clinical pearls for clinicians to reference such as:

  • Most anticancer therapies have cardiovascular toxicities that include hypertension.
  • Some cancer therapy-induced hypertension can be reversible by discontinuing treatment involving those agents.
  • Blood pressure can worsen in patients with existing hypertension when taking certain anticancer therapies.
  • Controlling hypertension is important before, during, and after cancer treatment.
  • It is suggested that a patient’s blood pressure be monitored—at least—weekly for the first 4 to 8 weeks when they are being treated for cancer with therapies that can increase blood pressure.
  • Patients should be encouraged to monitor their blood pressure at home.
  • Cancer survivors are at risk of hypertension-associated complications.

“Future directions for research on hypertension in cancer include epidemiological topics on common risk factors and mechanisms of hypertension and cancer, optimal strategies for BP monitoring during and after anticancer therapy, and the diagnosis and management of anticancer drug–induced hypertension,” the authors wrote. “Future research will need to address molecular mechanisms underlying anticancer therapy–induced hypertension to better understand measures needed to minimize cardiovascular toxicity and hypertension while optimizing cancer survival.”



Cohen JB, Brown NJ, Brown SA, et al. Cancer therapy-related hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension. Published online January 3, 2023. doi:10.1161/HYP.0000000000000224