Hair Loss

Can a Patient’s Own Blood Revitalize Thinning Hair Follicles?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) plus ACell or BioD Amniotic/Placental ECM therapy can help reduce the appearance of hair thinning in patients suffering from some forms of alopecia. This non-invasive, bioregenerative outpatient treatment takes less than 1-hour to complete, consisting of a blood draw for PRP processing and a subsequent injection of the cell therapy into the scalp areas with thinning hair.

The treatment, dubbed "Vampire" PRP, works by utilizing growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma to help rejuvenate and boost hair growth in existing hair follicles. Unfortunately, this treatment does not possess the ability to regrow or revive dead follicles. However, if a treatment that can revive dead follicles does come along, "Zombie" PRP might be a fitting name.

With Hair Loss Awareness Month beginning August 1st, this may prove a useful treatment option to discuss with your patients struggling with alopecia areata or androgenetic alopecia. 

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