Primary Care

Check Out What’s New on

Primary care’s top online resource just got better. In conjunction with the January redesign of our journal and the launch of our tablet edition, we are proud to announce the revamping of our website,



This new design offers you exclusive online features and a plethora of
enhancements that include:

•Easier navigation and searchability.
•Medical Resource Centers—multimedia repositories, organized by topic.
•Exclusive real-time content on hot issues in primary care.
•Interactive promotions and games like “Photo Quiz Challenge.”
•Archived diagnostic quizzes and rich color photography.
•Seamless connectivity to live educational events.

Improved organization of the vast clinical resources of Consultant allows you to group content by subject more intuitively to help you start your diagnosis more effectively. One of the key changes to make this possible has been the development of online Medical Resource Centers, a centerpiece of the new site. These centers, all organized by topic, from diabetes to neurological disorders, include articles, video, podcasts, tools, Q&As, and images.

Demand for a more dynamic web presence comes as the result of significant growth—thanks to our amazing primary care audience. With a print edition circulation of over 250,000 and monthly online page views now consistently topping 100,000, it was deemed the perfect time to refresh the website and provide users with a better online experience.

The Consultant website redesign is only one aspect of our evolving digital strategy to deliver exceptional content, anywhere at any time. With the tablet edition of the journal launched in late 2012, mobile sites, and dedicated apps for live events in the works, we continue to expand our reach. We hope you find these enhancements as useful and exciting as we do!


What do you think of our revamped website? You can reach us at And you can find us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter ( We look forward to your feedback!n

——Julie Bowen
Group Editorial Director
P.S. Don’t forget, the free tablet app is available through Apple and Google Play platforms and you can navigate the download process by registering at