Conference Coverage

Developing an Individualized Medication Plan For Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

The percentage of patients with diabetes who are meeting their treatment goals has declined over time, and only about half of patients are achieving their hemoglobin A1C goals, a discouraging statistic1, according to Kathryn Evans Kreider, DNP, who is presenting a session on medication prescribing for patients with type 2 diabetes at Practical Updates in Primary Care 2022 Virtual Series.2

“There are so many reasons why this could be the case,” Dr Kreider continued. “This could be mental health issues. This could be adherence problems. This could be related to diet. This could be our fault. This could be healthcare provider inertia, at least partially.”

Dr Kreider is an associate clinical professor at Duke University School of Nursing, the lead faculty for the Endocrinology Specialty in the School of Nursing, and a nurse practitioner at the Duke University Medical Center in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition in Durham, North Carolina.

Dr Kreider focused on the following learning objectives in her session:

  • Barriers to developing an individualized medication plan for patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • The latest evidence in medication selection for patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • How clinicians can use evidence-based methods when designing an ideal diabetes treatment for their patients.

During her presentation, Dr Kreider talked about how clinicians can tailor medication to their patients with different factors in mind, when insulin is needed for patients, and provided examples of how clinicians can approach treating patients with various comorbidities.

“I think one of the keys in really trying to help our patients, is to [ask] what are the factors that we are dealing with, and why is that impacting their diabetes? And so, if we really start drilling down, I think that we would find some of these things we can address, and really help them try to work toward better treatment goals,” Dr Kreider said.

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—Jessica Ganga


  1. Fang M, Wang D, Coresh J, Selvin E. Trends in diabetes treatment and control in US adults, 1999-2018. N Engl J Med. 2021;384:2219-2228. doi:10.1056/NEJMsa2032271
  2. Kreider KE. Voter’s choice: individualizing medication prescribing in type 2 diabetes. Talk presented at: Practical Updates in Primary Updates in Primary Care 2022 Virtual Series; November 16-18, 2022; Virtual.